If there are remaining land behind the house, maybe it's time to explore your creativity by making the following kitchen dining room in the backyard. Family together while eating a meal in the shade of nature would have more favor.
Here are some things that can be used as inspiration for you

In addition, notice the direction of the wind or the sun if it could damage berlibihan comfort you want presented. Location of the table just below the fall of the sun will surely ruin your convenience. Another example, when laying the grill without angina memperhitungan direction, the smoke from the food being grilled aan yan hit gmakan faces around the area and create discomfort.

Third, the arrangement of furniture in the back kitchen is also one of convenience and safety advocates. Laying the grill should not be too close to the dining table or a simple object such as wood exposed to fire, trees or plants. Give a short distance for safety.
When choosing a dining table, consider if the number of people who will occupy. If you often invite friends or family, it's good when the number of kursipun reproduced.
Provide also a place to wash dishes and hands, which can be made by using bamboo ornament so that more natural look that does not need to go back and forth to the space in and litter the floor. Before you begin, you should carefully calculated the distance between the utensils to be placed in the kitchen behind it and ordering its location making it look more beautiful.

For material dining chair or table you should use a resistant type of weather exposure, such as teak, stainless steel or stone which is still at one with nature room.
Finally, Arrange garden in the courtyard well to increase your comfort with family dining.
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