Thursday, May 20, 2010

Home Decorating With Flowers

In addition to decorating the outside (outdoor) house, the flowers turned out nice also to be used as decorative elements inside the house. Interior decorating (inside room) home with flowers can provide beauty and graced the house and its inhabitants mood. Wide range of flowers available in the market are imported and locally, but that does not mean the interest of your own garden can not be used as room decoration home. You can string the flowers are so beautiful views and the light emanating from the florist flower itself without decoration.

All you need is good will and courage to be creative in choosing a container (pot or vase), flowers, fresh leaves and twigs. Flower color is also very positive impact in your life. When selecting, consider the psychology of color, think back to what the impact will affect the mood of a person.

If you choose the color red, it will make the house more and more exciting atmosphere and warms the body, increasing heart rate and respiratory path. Yellow color represents an energy source that can stimulate your memory and increase the spirit of a family. Green and purple is the color balance, peace and help ease his depression.

If you want a softer color or muted, blue is a good choice because it has the effect of increasing the reflection as well as relieve stress. To give a sense of spirit and soothe tired, use orange flowers. Pink color also gives you peace and free from anger. While the white color is a symbol of purity but also provided peace in your heart.

Various media can be decorated like tables, walls, lighting Chinese lanterns, and other media. You want to create a creative space that can be looked relaxed and casual, and if you want to be inspired by such an atmosphere of casual clothes bali nuanced.

Similarly tips this time, congratulations to create ..

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Six Easy Tips Room Decoration

In decorating, there are actually many things that must be considered to produce the maximum space and design. You'll want to concepts, ideas, and the shadow of your dream home a reality. Home interior decor fit your style and taste, accessories and furniture to your liking until a comfortable atmosphere that makes you want to always be at home.

Ideally the work should be submitted, and decorate the room handled by people who are experts and professionals in their fields, an interior designer. But use the services of an interior designer would require an extra fee, and not everyone can afford to set aside the budget to hire a professional interior designer. Create your bored with the look of the room and want to change it, here are some tips that will help you decorate the room.

1. Install accessories with an odd number. This affected the balance. Accessories with odd numbers will be better and nice views compared with the even number.

2. Match your decor with your lifestyle. If you frequently move, choose furniture that is neutral, because the decor is neutral match any decor. If you have children or pets, select a rug that is easy to clean and can camouflage the dirt color.

3. Make the paint to minimize the weaknesses and highlights the advantages of the room. For example: bright colors to make the room look great. Dark color to make the room feel comfortable (cozy).

4. Put a picture / painting of your eye-level view. By hanging on my level eyes, painting / drawing will be more enjoyable. This will also make the painting more harmonious with the sofa or chair.

5. Use the wallpapers and customize to your home. Use wallpaper with bright textures and small-sized pictures for a smaller room. Instead use the wallpaper with a large image and a dark background for a large room.

6. Collect pictures of rooms you like. We often difficult to define and create a room that we like in the words. See the photo to determine kesamaan / similarity. Is it the same color, same shape, the similarity of furnitue, etc.. As you can specify one by one, you will be easier to describe and concluded style / style what exactly to you.

By following a few tips above, then you can decorate yourself an interior room in the house you. Congratulations Decoration ..

Healthy Environment For Your House

If you will buy or build a house in the near future, you should think about and consider a few factors. Several factors are: strategic housing location, ease of accessibility and transportation to and from regular destination, such as markets, shopping centers, workplaces, places of worship, school or hospital.

For those of you who chose the house at the location of scattered housing in the suburbs and rely on public transportation, consider the available means of transportation, ranging from motorcycle taxi motorcycles, bajaj, city transportation (public transportation), mini buses, intercity buses, to trains. Hangout, shadow terminal, terminal or station and the scheduled departure to ensure the vehicles please note the departure time to go and return to the workplace or school that requires timeliness.

For those of you who have personal vehicles need to learn the routes the main route, alternate routes, and roads leading to the shortest rats various places of work and school purposes. How much time it takes to reach their destination routine. On how the peak hour traffic density, which is susceptible to regular traffic jams take place.

In addition to the chaos caused by urban planning, location selection kekurangcermatan house without considering the subject of transportation can cause a family father, mother, and even children had to leave very early (at 5:30) and arrived during the night (21:00) every business day Monday- Friday. Practical house only serves as a place to sleep mere ride, without a chance to enjoy a comfortable life in the house.

Notice the sharp housing conditions surrounding environment.

Is the location of housing and flood free environment in the present and future? Surely not just affordable housing, middle-class home-end and high end are still prone to flooding. If a site near the terminal, observe the level of noise (pollution), sound, pollution (polluted) air, and prone to crime. Crime-prone location near the market, the risk of air pollution (odor), and the mounting trash. Location near the industrial area at risk of heavy plant air pollution, water, and sound. Location near the area of high voltage line is also affected by pollution potential of electrical energy and electromagnetic fields dangerous to long-term health.

The concept of environmentally sound residential and settlement should be in harmony with the surrounding native environment. Beautiful environment, fresh air, clean water availability, and securely. Beauty of the neighborhood atmosphere can be seen and perceived exactly when consumers pass and entering the housing area. The atmosphere can only be created by the shade of large trees that grow optimally, which follow the topography of land surrounding natural topography, availability of neighborhood parks with attractive design.

Living in the tropical countries like Indonesia, with hot temperatures and high humidity throughout the year, will inevitably need a home atmosphere and a shady neighborhood. Shade is not only a refuge in the house, but how to create shade in our own neighborhood.

After studying the atmosphere, the next step is to check the availability and quality and feasibility of drinking water, hand pump, or pump machine. Is water difficulties, especially in the dry season.

Do not take for granted about the garbage. Learn how to manage and transport waste, whether administered alone or in temporary shelters provided. Do not also choose the origin of affordable housing. There are things more important than that. Safety and comfort are a few things in between.